The Ladies Guide to History: Marian Anderson


Since February is Black History Month I decided to pick up a book on Marian Anderson, one of my favorite civil rights icons, A Sound of Freedom by Raymond Arsenault. The book I picked up tells the story of April 9th, 1939 when Marian Anderson sang on the Lincoln Memorial steps after being denied the ability to the perform at Constitution Hall because of a policy that refused black performers the ability to perform on Constitution Hall’s Stage. Because of this outright racist decision she sang on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in an open air concert that was free to everybody and became a civil rights icon.

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February TBR

The following is my February TBR I may stick to this I might not depends on how I’m feeling as the month progresses.
  1. The Best of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
  2. Romantic Outlaws by Charlotte Gordon
  3. The Sound of Freedom by Raymond Arsenault
  4. Villette by Charlotte Bronte
  5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
  6. His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik
  7. Monsieur de Saint-George by Alain Guédé
  8. Candide by Voltaire